Table of Contents

Travelling is part of fun activity.

The joy of travelling will always makemake you forget about the health issues lurking.

Without realizing it, complaints such as: frequent urination, dizziness, thirst, pain, xerostomia, hunger and fatigue are common signs of an illness coming your way.

Therefore, be aware!

It’s a sign that diabetes is eyeing you.

In general, these symptoms do seem normal.

However, know that the impact can be very fatal if you ignore it.

If you are still very unfamiliar with some of the symptoms of diabetes, let’s learn more about early sign of diabetes in Bali with Drip Wellness Bali.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a long-term chronic disease that is difficult to cure.

Diabetes can be life-threatening if not controlled regularly.

This disease is caused by high blood sugar levels due to pancreatic dysfunction while producing insulin.

As we know, insulin plays an important role in controlling glucose in the body.

Without insulin, glucose cannot be absorbed by the body’s cells into energy.

Thus, people with diabetes are at risk of complications if not treated appropriately and quickly.

Causes and Types of Diabetes

The various fun activities during traveling surely make you unaware of the early signs of diabetes in general.

You need to know that diabetes has 2 types that you need to explore further.

However, of the 2 types, Drip Wellness Bali will examine them in general so that you can be more aware of the symptoms that appear to you.

Therefore, let’s take a look at Drip Wellness Bali’s explanation specifically intended for.

1. Diabetes Melitus (Type 1)

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is thought to involve genetic and environmental factors.

By correlating with this autoimmune disease, it attacks the immune system, namely beta cells.

These beta cells are found in the pancreas, which produces insulin.

This condition commonly results in excessive blood sugar levels and the pancreas not normally producing insulin.

So that the function of body cells to absorb and process sugar levels in the blood into energy is inhibited.

2. Diabetes Insipidus (Tipe 2)

diabetes insipidus (type 2)

Similar to type 1, type 2 diabetes occurs due to insulin resistance in the blood.

This can happen because the body cannot optimally utilize insulin.

The symptoms and causes are also the same as diabetes type 1.

However, several factors cause diabetes type 2, such as;

– Overweight, certain conditions such as high blood pressure or PCOS.

– Consuming too many drinks that have excessive sweetness.

– Lack of movement (exercise).

The factors above tend to affect the severity of diabetes, leading to complications.

Do you know?

Complications are caused by the progression of certain diseases that damage organs such as kidneys, heart, liver, etc.

So, before traveling you need to be careful to learn more about the types of diabetes above.

Make sure everything is safe before travelling.

Who Can be Suffered Diabetes?

Underage children and adults usually suffer diabetes.

Referring to the previous explanation, the alleged involvement of environmental factors is the main reason why children and even adults have diabetes.

The environmental factors in question includeinclude an unhealthy lifestyle and an unruly diet.

While travelling abroad, if you are one of them, it must be difficult to pay attention to your eating patterns and the nutrients contained in them.

The culinary delights of your destination are hard to skip, aren’t they?

The environment is certainly the main reason why diabetes can easily reach you.

Remember always to be aware!

Early Signs of Diabetes While Traveling

Diabetes is certainly dreadful for most people.

The lack of attention to your diet and your healthy lifestyle is also a major factor.

Well, Drip Wellness Bali will summarize some of the early symptoms of diabetes while travelling that you need to know.

There are several early signs of diabetes, such as:

– Feeling thirsty often

– Feeling hungry continuously

– Frequent urination

– Body sluggish throughout the day

– Blurred sight

– Loss of concentration

– Significant loss of muscle mass as well as weight

– Wounds are difficult to heal

– Urine contains ketones and is dark in colour ( opaque)

– Erectile dysfunction (in men)

– Genital area itching (in women)

You certainly need to be aware of some of the early signs of diabetes while travelling.

Don’t let these troubles break your joy during the excitement of fun activities.

So, What Can We Do To Know Some Early Signs of Diabetes in Bali?

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Are you among the most travelers who often overlook the early signs of diabetes without realizing it?

Calm down!

Drip Wellness Bali is here for you.

Keep in mind, before you go out to travel, you should do some medical tests.

One of them is a urine test.

The urine test that Drip Wellness provides specifically for you.

It aims to determine the level of ketones in your urine.

It would be best if you were known that ketones are more easily identified in the urine for those of you who have some general diabetes complaints.

This test can provide accurate data on what type of diabetes you are experiencing as well as the percentage of ketones in your urine.

So that our health professionals can provide solutions for the next steps that you can take.

You also don’t need to worry about the test’s price.

With an affordable IDR 325K or equivalent to 24 USD you can do an urine test and various understanding about diabetes with our health professionals.

In addition to identifying diabetes, this urine test is also useful for identifying several diseases, such as kidney stones, bladder infections, and kidney inflammation.

Remember, you need to know the normal ketone level in urine is less than 0.6 millimoles per litre (mmol/L).

Well, if the ketone level in your urine is more than 0.6 mmol/L, it can be concluded that you should be careful because diabetes is eyeing you.


Travelling abroad is so much fun.

If you are drifting the euphoria of travelling, you will lose the chance to pay attention to your dietary habits.

Do you know?

Your dietary habits while traveling are important and can’t be forgotten.

Especially if you’re visiting an area full of various culinary delights.

You won’t be able to resist the temptation of delicious flavours, will you?

Besides, the exhaustion of daily activities make you feel sluggish to do some exercises even for a moment.

And beware!

If you’re adopting the habits above without realiZing it, diabetes is on its way to you.

The various kinds of initial complaints that Drip Wellness has attached certainly aim to help you learn more about diabetes.

However, if you still doubt these early signs, you need to immediately do a urine test with Drip Wellness Bali.

With our health professionals ready to provide you with the best service without draining your pocket, tho.

The price of urine tests that we offer is affordable for you.

So, what are you waiting for?

Let’s be well prepared before traveling with Drip Wellness Bali by contacting us.

The perfect and professional healthcare solution for you as a traveller.

Stay safe and hydrated!


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rip Wellness Bali is a mobile IV Drip company that brings IV treatments to you, wherever you are. We offer a variety of wellness services and drip products. Our team of qualified and professional medical staff will come to your doorstep, hotel or villa and provide you with personalized IV treatment.

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