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Are you one of those travelers who arrived in Bali suddenly allergic? Beware! Let’s learn more about the most common allergies in Bali.

It means that your immune system is weakened.

The weakening of your immune system is your body’s natural response to nutrient deficiencies.

But you don’t have to worry.

Drip Wellness Bali is here to help you. 

What is Allergy?

Allergy is your body’s natural protective mechanism response to certain substances that shouldn’t be too harmful.

Usually, allergy is categorized into 2 types: mild and severe. 

You should know that an excessive allergic reaction will cause symptoms that interfere with your daily activities. 

So, you must immediately seek special treatment due to excessive allergic reactions!

Types of Most Allergies in Bali

Bali is one of the most mesmerizing tourism targets for foreign travelers. 

Not surprisingly, most of them, including leading you, will suffer from various allergy symptoms.


Drip Wellness Bali will compile those allergies individually, especially for you!

Food Allergy

Food allergy is one of the allergies that often affects most foreign travelers. 

This is because their digestive system is not familiar with the various kinds of Balinese spices that are so strong.

Why can it happen?

Foreign travelers’ dietary habits are usually oriented towards bland and less flavourful food.

Therefore, first-time travelers who want to try a variety of Balinese food will suffer from allergies.

Bellow, these are some allergy reactions for those who have already tried Balinese food for the first time, such as;

– Diarrhoea 

– Nausea

– Itching

– Dizziness

Some reactions to food allergies above usually happen due to their digestive system adapting to the local spices. 

A stomach that has never been contaminated with spicy flavors will generally be delicate.

However, if the case is the opposite, it can rinse a stomach fundus. 

Please be aware!  When you choose local pride food during a holiday in Bali. 

For further symptoms such as nausea, itching, and dizziness, it is your body’s natural immune system response to unfamiliar objects in your body.

What should you do?

You need to increase your nutritional intake by doing IV nutrition therapy.

The ingredients of various natural nutrients in every drop of IV nutrition can boost your body’s immune system.

You don’t need to worry!

IV nutrition injection is safe and can help you avoid food allergies. 

Weather Allergy

Weather allergy is one of the most common allergies among foreign travelers who visit Bali.

The difference in weather temperature will cause some allergic reactions such as hives, rashes, and dizziness.

Some of these reactions occur due to the natural response of your body’s immune system being weakened.

However, you don’t need to be worried.

Usually, allergic reactions due to weather conditions are relatively short-lasting.

Commonly, it still ruins your fun holiday activities.

Calm down, Drip Wellness Bali provides the solution. 

You can take an immunity booster injection to boost your immune system.

The ultimate package, for IDR 1,700,000 per injection, can help you overcome the inconvenience caused by allergies.

Dust Allergy

The unpredictable weather has caused so much dust to blow along the roads of Bali’s tourist areas. 

It’s quite an emergency condition!

Inhaling so much dust makes your respiratory tract uncomfortable.

The worst part is that it can lead to allergies. 

Generally, dust allergy reaction occurs due to the weakening your body’s immune system. 

When your body’s immunity is weakened, it will cause several dust allergy reactions.

Reactions caused by dust exposure include breath shortness, chest tightness, sneezing, sore eyes, and itching. 

How comes?

The dust that you inhale will automatically settle along your respiratory tract. 

Furthermore, until it settles in your lungs, it’s hazardous.

So, what steps can you take to prevent allergies?

Don’t mind! Drip Wellness Bali is here to be your comrade-in-armor with allergies.

With various choices of injection immune booster packages that you can choose from.

So, don’t fret! 

Pocket-friendly top-quality packaging has been customized for you.

Let’s take care of your allergy problems with us.


Traveling to any region different from your previous home is quite risky. 

The various flavors of food are accompanied by local solid spices, unpredictable weather conditions, and dust on the roadside.

You have to struggle with some common allergic reactions in Bali.

Particularly you, as a foreign tourist who will and is visiting Bali, need to pay attention to some things.

A strengthened immune system is the fundamentals of a successful holiday. 

Preventive measures are necessary to boost the immune system, which has been weakened by adapting to a new environment. 

The primary preventive measure is to take an immune booster injection to improve the quality of your immunity.

Therefore, you can have fun all day without worrying about allergies during your holiday. 

What are you waiting for?

Let’s consult your allergy symptoms with our health professionals, ready to help you. 

Drip Wellness Bali is here to be your health problem solver.

Contact us!

tag: most allergies in Bali, allergies in Bali


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rip Wellness Bali is a mobile IV Drip company that brings IV treatments to you, wherever you are. We offer a variety of wellness services and drip products. Our team of qualified and professional medical staff will come to your doorstep, hotel or villa and provide you with personalized IV treatment.

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